Monday, February 16, 2009


It's everywhere! Including my dorm.

Important occurrences:
-Language pledge. I am duuuuuumb.
-Met my one-on-one class prof, and he dislikes me and thinks I am a silly mofo. What did he expect? I'm gonna cry a lot in that class.
-Roommate! She's small and cute and patient, what more could I ask for? Her name is xiaoye. that's shaow yay for you waiguoren.
-Went to the New Zealander bar with the cool kids and ordered drinks, just because I could. They were playing Feed the Animals on repeat, which made me order more drinks in a good way.
-Need to figure out how to read my homework instructions and then complete it, in that order.

Electric blanket blew a fuse,


  1. sorry about the fuse .. Don G suggested you buy stuff there. You may have to. Hang in there with the prof - you can do this. 10 steps, 10 breaths.

  2. I want .38 cent beer. Ship me some of that. I am glad to see that your fingers can still work to hit the keys. I guess they have not froze of yet.
    Oh and it is warmer in Worcester

  3. So, you figured out how to order drinks? Now you just need to figure out how to do that in my bar.

    Enjoying the updates - keep 'em coming (in English!).
