Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekend posting time!

Hey guys,

It snowed a crapton this week. I fell on my butt twice (*ed: biffed it twice).

My conversation class has covered the following topics thus far: health, marriage, extramarital affairs, remarriage late in life, society's historic division of labor, and the life of handicapped people. Needless to say, I am well-equipped for the real world.

I read "Good Omens" (should be underlined but this program doesn't have that capability). It was pretty good and funny and exciting, but reading good and funny and exciting books stresses me out. Once I get into the story I don't want to put it down and will stay up all night reading, and/or forget whether the story-world or my life is the true state of affairs. It's most inconvenient when you have to force yourself to reprioritize homework as an actually consequential affair.

I had a salad today at the newly opened "Western Coffee Shop" on campus. The salad was terrible in that seven-shreds-of-lettuce-with-fifteen-cherry-tomatoes-and-some-corn-topped-with-mayo way. Salad is really not very complicated at all people. Just start with a lot of lettuce, look around your kitchen, throw that stuff on top, and then develop a concept called "ranch dressing," which I don't even like but am accustomed to turning down. That being said, the coffee and chocolate cake were not at all bad.

Tonight is "visit a traditional Chinese home" night. I'll keep you posted.

Ratatat is just awesome,


  1. Dear Cat,
    Falling on your butt is not the appropriate way to describe ice related slips try these euphemisms: biffing it, eating it, or slipping sliding it.
    Your northernly inclined Brother,

  2. I'm so happy to see one sibling willing to help another. *sigh*

  3. Remember when we went to Chicago and we fell on our butt's outside of Becky's school? Oh, memories...

    Hurry up and come back, Cat.
